PROBING TO KNOW How LLM works ... what word most probably follows "The" or "The cat" Who is Tennessee Williams and a Q&A interview Male/ female avatars celebrating / bemoaning ever-lasting life/ infertility Network survey of Leadership questions - UCP/NDP election platform answers Industrial Hemp Advisory minutes. Hemp Industry Development marketing and action plan Free expression and the Decline of Humour explored Is Alberta's economy diversified and how do Edmonton and Calgary differ? Design a Fusion Energy Conference What do SME’s want to know about generative AI? Learning how to tell a story - Sofia's storybook Tragic Plastic in Mother Ocean poems by Bob Dylan, Elvis Presley, Leonard Cohen Creating an original Christmas cookie, baking a pie shell before the filling, retrieving marbles from a garburator Homeless - who are they and why are they homeless? Healthcare service issues, patient benefits of reform - Impact of AI on Medicine Argue for and against personalized v public healthcare The impact of genAI on the knowledge economy and the destination for a KNOW IT ALL society What will serve as our ultimate MORAL COMPASS? - Accessing KEI Network's newsletters and recorded webinars