Think for a change - who is representing the people? What has happened to public respect for personal interests? Parliament, Canada's institution of civil debate, is stacked and wracked with loud echoes of ideology. The mandate of the Auditor General is to protect the public's interest by monitoring government expenditures, as are private organizations like the Canadian Taxpayers Foundation; yet public debt at the Federal level is now over a trillion dollars and few other levels of government balance their budgets even with rising taxes. Who is representing the people? What about the news media - the bastion of free, independent speech? Well media control is increasingly centralized and many organizations are no longer independent or free of political opinion. The news is filtered by owners who infuse their ideologies into the content they present as “unbiased.” Participation in elections is dwindling, particularly with youth. Protests are increasing in frequency, intensity, and are tinged with violence. Has the "public" lost its voice? Are either effective in representing the people? The drift to ever more government. I am very concerned with the lack of leadership to challenge the drift toward evermore – intrusive, if not world, government. The KEI Network is sensitive to the drift as expressed through its various newsletters and webinars. The decarbonization series is a recent example HERE noting government overreach. It cites constructive initiatives by the energy industry to reduce GHG emissions, even though there are continuous increases in personal demand for energy. An associated editorial about the series dropped the proposed title "Canada is being misled!" as a tad too provocative. The Network's semi-annual Economic Resilience survey is another example of asking our Network what should be government's role in economic diversification? Consistently the answer is as a regulator, otherwise - "minimal". BUT Canada seems to be moving in the opposite direction – more funding, more regulation, more intervention. Why? Canadians are on the handout. 50% of every dollar spent in Canada is spent by the Federal Government not including the Provincial and Municipal Governments in the form of jobs for public servants, industry subsidies and personal social benefits. Governments have mastered opinion monitoring, the provision of massive social benefits over and above health and education services, control over telecommunications and broadcasting, and the accumulated role of public leader. The media seems to pay attention to little else than government: count the proportion of time your outlet devoted to covering GOVERNMENT! Government for the people, of the people, by the people? The economy in this drive to post-modernism is considered secondary, even irrelevant. Some say, it can take care of itself, that supply chains and inflation can be controlled. Jobs are also secondary, either dispensed with altogether in the future of work or irrelevant given guaranteed income. Lifestyles need not be maintained and personal sacrifices tolerated until government mandates and achieves Net-Zero and herd immunity. I believe that it is going to get worse before it ever gets better. Advocates of traditional conservative values are few: small government, low taxes, market-based economies, free enterprise, hard work and personal responsibility. Is it too late? Is anyone really listening? No matter how badly governments behave, they still have control over the public purse AND the confidence of the public. People have an extra-ordinary faith that government cares. They want to be cared for as long as not too much is expected of them. Global events are fueling the transition to more government. More and MORE government to contain Climate Change and Covid are the clarion calls of the media and the left. A world government is presented as the bright light, the defining feature of the 21st century. Both nature and the left are aligned to the benefit of a world government - aligned to ensure personal compliance in the face of Climate Change and Covid - in the interest of the public good. The message is clear and consistent, we face an existential crisis: unless personal cum public compliance is achieved we will all die of either a pandemic or global warming, e.g. gassed by CO2. Add in the Far East and culture clash. The expectation of compliance is also a good fit with the rise of the Far East and it's cultures, cultures shaped by thousands of years of personal compliance to the family, the community, the state. This week's release by Troy Media of the first episode of the KEI Network's Indo-China webinar series featured the China Consulate in Calgary addressing how we in Canada are being misinformed by OUR media and governments about China. China is portrayed as a shining example of tolerance, public compliance, and how good it can get. The message: China is showing us the way. Take a look HERE https://youtu.be/Jtg_MP36bx8 In search of an alternative to mandates. Do I have a proposal for an alternative to mandates other than simply raising awareness and more canaries in the mine? Help me! The only apparent alternatives are: 1. to just party on and comply OR 2. escape and resist. But all resisting will achieve I'm afraid are even more mandates, policing, government. And with each round of more mandates, policing, government come more public intolerance of protesting, confrontation, and the driving of resistance underground. Anarchy. Where are the moderates - the advocates for moderation? Was Orwell right? Has 1984 arrived but few have noticed - like the frog in a slow boiling pot. Climate change opened the door. Is Covid closing it? Nature in the form of a warming planet and a global pandemic is fueling advocates of more if not world government. Stay tuned as our Thursday March 3rd webinar will feature Dave Yager presenting "How the World has lost its mind." - Editor COMMENTARIES received do not necessarily represent the views of the KEI Network Lessons learned about Covid mandates from Herman Oosthuysen HERE Let "Freedumb" ring from Barry Mehr HERE Soul Searching from Ling Huang HERE Canada's "Freedom" Convoy - Observations from Ottawa from Peter McKinnon HERE |
Nuclear Watch Social license restored - fusion by 2030 Innovation Core to economic resilience Energy Transition Respecting the environment Alberta tightens emission standards Inflation Higher and longer Supply Chains Trade barriers - Covid hangover "Freedom" convoy as contributor ESG Activism Values-based advocacy BIG tech anti-trust action anticipated AI & VR - Metaverse An illusion or new reality? AGEism Signaling an economic decline Warehousing seniors has to stop! - Editor |
SEEKING HELP We are intent on telling the story about the economic plight of rural communities but we need your help. Please let us know if your community warrants an interview. Contact Admin@KEInetwork.net PARTNERING If you have an interest in partnering with us contact Editor@KEInetwork.net Signup for Troy Media's daily editorial and news updates HERE Solving labour shortages through innovative inclusion. Contact us HERE "Winning Hearts and Minds". Contact us HERE |